LITERARY FUND.—The anniversary dinner of this incorporation took place at
the Freemasons' Tavern, on Wednesday ; the Duke of Somerset in the chair. From the report read, it appeared, that the total receipts last year, including the balance of 1828, amounted to 1886/. ; of which 14801. had during the year been appropriated to distressed authors and other pur- poses, leaving a balance on the 1st January last of 4061. The permanent funds of the Society now amount to 22,000/. The donations announced at the dinner, including two from his Majesty of 105/. each, amounted to 5001. ALMONDBURY 111EnTilso.—An adjourned meeting, which was held on the 10th; came to an unanimous resolution to adopt the principles of the London Political Union.
Sits: MassurAcrUaEs.—The weaving price of plain silk hose has ad. vaned at Derby three shillings a dozen.
PROVINCIAL BANK or 1nm...usu.—At a meeting of the shareholders of this Company, held on Monday, Mr. Spring Rice in the chair, it was stated that Government meant to bring in a bill for putting to rest the disputes between them and the Bank of Ireland. Resolutions declaratory of the ad- hesion of the shareholders to the arrangements concluded under the Govern- ment interference, were unanimously agreed to.