[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—This is the month of roses and of perfection in most of the beauties of nature which charm the eye. Since I was a boy I have shared with other country lovers the delight of reading nature articles in your columns. To those readers—and to others, if any there be—will you let me make an appeal for a little section of the community condemned to pass their life without the joy of seeing the glories of an English June! At Sunshine House, Chorley Wood, we have twenty-five blind babies who are being taught to be little normal human beings, so far as that is possible, from their earliest days until the age of five, when they are transferred to the residential schools for, the blind. There are enough poor blind babies in the king- dom to fill six Sunshine Houses, and I want money to enable me to start the other five. The Press is crowded with appeals nowadays, but this one is so very special in its interest that I hope I may be pardoned by you and by those who reac it for adding to the number. Full particulars will be sent to anyone who is" sufficleatly, interested to write and ask me for them, as also' will be acknowledgments of any contributions received.
—I am, Sir, &e., Amami PEARSON, President, National Institute for the Blind. 224 Great Portland Street, London, W. 1.