(To TWA Benoit or rue. '• 9e erases."]
Sia,—Colonel Reid may be right or wrong in hie prophecy, but I think ha overlooks- a. fact, pretty well known, I believe, in Parliamentary circles, that there is a motive underlying the action of the Unionists in the House. of. Commons and that of their leader. That motive is belief in the necessity of marking time until this tyranny be overpast, and the unrest which is the aftermath. of war has subsided. To this is added in the ease of Mr. Honor Law personal loyalty to the Prime. Minister. The object of my letter was to remind thoughtful members of the party that this motive might be carried too far, even as royalty to the Prime. Minister, however creditable to Mr. Sonar Law as a man, does not exhaust his responsibilities as ft states- man. Mr. Law has responsibilities to the Unionist Party in Parliament and in the country; to the multitude of quiet people whose desires are limited to the enforcement of the law and protest-ion for property and person, and to those great con- stitutional principles whose observance from generation to generation has ensured the stability of the British State. The existence of a body of men imbued with these principles and consciously protecting them must always make for stability, and their influence may, quite possibly, be• greater in opposi-
tion than in office.—/ am, Sir, &c., G. POYNTZ- SANDERSON. 3 Clarence Parade, Southsea.