12 JUNE 1920, Page 15


[To rat Emmy or ere " Sererrroa."] Sin,—Your correspondent Mr. Lawrence seems to think that his superior judgment is decisive without facts or arguments in reply to Mr. Barker and myself, but no one who really knows anything about the procedure and relative costs of legal pro- ceedings at Assizes and County Courts will be found to agree with him, and the statement that divorce proceedings will not cost more if tried at Assizes than in the Comity Courts is too utterly absurd to need a reply from me. But I would mention another reason, which he entirely ignores—i.e., the complaint that now the Judges are kept away too long on circuit and the demand for more Judges, which would increase in force if Divorce Courts were to be added to the work of the Judges on circuit—I am, Sir, &e., HRNEA011. Brooks Club., June 7th.