12 JUNE 1920, Page 1

The Hungarian delegates signed the Peace Treaty in Paris on

Friday week. But the International Federation of Trades Unions intends, if it can, to levy war on its own account against Hungary. The British official representatives at Budapest reported recently that there was no " White Terror " there, but Colonel Wedgwood and other Labour leaders who recently spent a few days in Hungary assert that there is. The Hungarian Govern- ment have, it seems, brought to trial the Bolaheviks who, under Bela Kun's leadership, committed terrible atrocities in Budapest last year. Colonel Wedgwood and his friends appear to think that Bolsheviks may rob and murder with impunity, and that it is wrong for the State whose laws they have defied to arrest and punish them. This, no doubt, is the reason why these extreme Labour men turn a blind eye on the real " Red Terror " in Russia, but can discern a Hungarian " White Terror " which is invisible to our own official agents. The " workers " of all countries are now invited to boycott Hungary, but such direct action " is bound to fail.