9 AUGUST 2003, page 34

Far From Easy

From Michael Scott Rohan Sir: Much as I agree with Ross Clark's general point (Just when you thought it was safe... ', 2 August), he is wholly wrong to use easyJet to castigate......

Plan For That Plinth

From Martin Sewell Sir: I was reading Anthony Browne's excellent article (Some truths about immigration', 2 August) last Saturday morning while listening to Radio Four. The......

From Maurice Hardaker Sir: Poor Frank Johnson (shared...

August). As a 72-year-old Englishman, I was one of millions who found that Bob Hope's humour 'kept us smiling in the grim years of the war' — and after. And for Johnson to take......

Royal Rip-off

From Carola Zentner Sir: Re Leo McKinstry's article on rip-off Britain (Boycott Britain', 26 July), perhaps the Queen could set a good example by abolishing the £1 handling......

Shirley's Sweetener

From Shirley Doltis Sir: The description of Shirley Porter as an 'arch-crook' (The Spectator's notes, 26 July) was grotesque. Without going into the details of the Westminster......

Best Of Hinglish

From Eric Dehn Sir: David Gardner (Plain Hinglish', 2 August) maintained that Indians are 'impeccably logical' in their mastery of our phraseology. I am not quite sure whether......


From Sir Christopher Bland Sir: Chuck it, Johnson! The 'particularly brilliant Spectator interview' which he referred to in his diary piece on 2 August was almost entirely......