8 SEPTEMBER 1849, page 21
Prices Current,
Thum. I per Cent Consols Ditto for Account I per Cents Reduced 33 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock, 7 per Cent India Stock, 103 Exchequer Bills, 114. per diem Dulls. Bonds,......
Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, September 4. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. Docks and Garwood, Ipswich, bookbinders-Moon and Liddiard, Millman Street, Bedford Row, auctioneers-Miall and Co. Harwich,......
On the 30th August, M High Legit, the Wife of the Rev. W. Blake, of a son and heir. On the 31st, at Sandford House, Cheltenham, the Countess Baptiste Metaxi, of a son. On the......