8 SEPTEMBER 1849, Page 21


Tuesday, September 4.


Docks and Garwood, Ipswich, bookbinders-Moon and Liddiard, Millman Street, Bedford Row, auctioneers-Miall and Co. Harwich, manufacturers of Roman cement ; as far as reganzla S. Billingsley junior-Atkinson senior and junior, Pickering, grocers- stoma and litTerran, Manchester, watch-makers-Armstrong and Charnley, Man- chester, tallors-Gausby and Marrian, Birmingham, silver-platers-Whitmarsh and Bailey, Lombard Street, hotelkeepers-Ogilby and Barthelemy, St. Helen's Place - Hardy and Page, Piccadilly, cork-manufacturers-Harpur and Co. Kennington Cross, enemies; as far as regards H. Harpur-Ingham and Bourne, Tynemouth, surgeons- Mudge and CO. Torquay, merchants- Pentreath and Co. Penzance, brewers-Coulson and Aldwinekle, Northampton, drapers-lValmsley and Wroe, Manchester, stock- brokers-Davies and Edwards. Southampton, attornies-Hooper and Hatch, Liverpool, merchants-Hamilton and Mediand, Gloucester, architects-Deane and Aslatt jun. Southampton, coach-builders.


SMITH, JAMES, Birkenhead, Slate-merchant.


loath, GEORGE, Great Chapel Street, Westminster, tea-dealer, to surrender Sept. 13, Oct. 12: solicitors, Messrs. Hill and Matthews, Bury Court, St. Mary Axe ; official assignee, Mr. Cannan, Birebin Lane.

GREEN, CUSRLES, Bristol, baker, Sept. 18, Oct. 16: solicitor, Mr. Perkins, Bristol; official assignee, Sir. Acraman, Bristol.

LANO, Turmas, Portland, baker, Sept. 13, Oct. 10 : solicitors, Mr. Combe, Staple Inn Sir. Phillips. Weymouth ; Mr. Terrell, Exeter ; official assignee, Mr. Hemmen, Exeter.

Tastes, ROBERT, Little Horton, Yorkshire, dealer in provisions, Sept 20, Oct. 12: solicitors, Mr. Nethersole, New Inn ; Mr. Foster, Bradford ; Messrs. Hark and Clarke, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds.

TCESPENNT, WILLIAM, Birmingham, jeweller, Sort. 25, Oct. 30: solicitoes, Messrs. Home and Co. New Inn; Mr. Bartleet, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham.


Sept. 26, Speller, Berkeley Street West, builder-Sept. 15, Taylor, Exchange Build- ings, merchant-Sept. 25, Skelton, Piccadilly, warehousetnan- Sept. 25, Bates, Wel- k& Street, auctioneer-Sept. 26, Walker, Coleman Street, oilman.


To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.

Sept. 26, Turner, Newmarket, saddler-Sept. 25, Nokes sen. Stifford, Essex, miller- Sept. 25, Barrett, Oxford, timber-merchant-Sept. 25, Nicholls, Cheltenham, innkeeper -Sept. 26, Lambert, Ilull, druggist-Sept. 26, Dunn, Hedon in HoldernesS, attorney- Sept. 25, Cooke, Denton, hat-manufacturer-Sept. 26, Keen, Warwick, innkeeper- Sept. 26, Maybury, Worcester, hosier.

To be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Sept. 25. Wilkinson, Birmingham, grocer-Martin, Bath, wiue-merchant-Rewcastle, Gates- head, copperas-maker-Dancy, Brighton, builder-Pyman, St. Osyth, corn-merchant.

Friday, September 7.


Bailey and Co. Oporto-Gordclier and Payne, Star Corner, Bermondsey, carriers- Hughes and Groves, Nannton Beauchamp, Worcestershire, farmers-Garnham and Gates, Aylesford, Kent, grocers-Croasdale and Sons and Messrs. Heber and Co. Clay- ton-le-Moors, grocers-Dobson and Taylor, East Ardsley, Yorkshire, coal-owners- Hart and Co. Liverpool, bakers-Tubb and Co. Pitt Street, St. George's Fields. brewers ; as far as regards W. Tubb-Oliver and Swindells, BollingtOn, Cheshire, cotton-Spinners -Sutton and Lidbetter, Manchester, lime-burners-J. and W. G. Britten, Sherbome, newspaper-proprietors-Goddard and Brothers, Stockport, dyers-Martin and Co. Exe- ter, iron-founders-Allen and Evershed, Brighton, soap-manufacturers-Lewis and Church, Birmingham, patent-card-manufacturers- Classey and Harris, Wells, Somer- setshire, bakers-Shubotham and Co. Longton, Staffordshire, manufacturers of earthen- ware-Hall and Co. Llanelly, Carmarthen, timber-merchants ; as far as regards C. N. Broom-Louks and Stubbs, Manchester, coal-merchants-Williams and Hatton, Oxford Street, silk-mercers-Wilkinson and Morris, Ellesmere, Shropshire-Westron and Co. Watling Street, warehousemen ; as far as regards W. Leaf, J. Coles jun. W. Smith, Si. Brankston, W. L. Leaf, and C. J. Leaf.


CLARK, SHADRAcK, 1Vheathampstead, paper-maker, to surrender Sept. 18, Oct. 17: solicitors, Messrs. Heather and Moger, Paternoster Row ; official assignee, Mr. Sinus- (old, King's Arms Yard.

KENNY, THOMAS, Liverpool, bookseller, Sept. 17, Oct. 9: solicitors, Messrs. Mime and Co. New Inn; Mr. Yates junior, Liverpool; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Li- verpool.

RUsEIBROOK, JOHN Cuestas, Exmouth Street, tailor, Sept. 13, Oct. 99: solicitor, Mr. Scarrnan, Basinghali Street ; official assignee, Mr. Cannan, Birchin Lane. WATranouse, GEORGE Passau, Birmingham, coal-merchant, Sept. 25, Oct. 30: so- licitor, Mr. Smith, Birmingham ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham. WEGUELIN, JOHN CIIRL9TopHER Rica, St. Nicholas, Devonshire, farmer, Sept. 18, Oct. 10 : solicitors, Messrs. Clowes and Co. Temple ; Mr. Laidman, Exeter ; official as- signee, Mr. Flinn], Exeter.


Sept. 28, Thorold, Willesden, chapman-Oct. 1, Rackham, Southtown, Suffolk, wine- merchant -Oct. 10, Bright, Ilishopsgate Street Within, merchant-Oct. 4, Andrews, King's Lynn, grocer-Oct. 2, Vaughan, Brecon, scrivener-Oct. 4, Hippos, Regent's Canal Basin, lime-burner -Oct. 2, Emmerson, North Shields, banker-Oct. 2, Angus, Gatelthead, banker-Oct. 5, Sim, Braithwaite, Cumberland, woollen-manufacturer-Oct. 1, Storey, Sunderland, rope-manufacturer-Oct. 9, Tindle, South Shields, banker-Oct. 4, Baskett, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, corn-merchant-Oct. 5, Hickson, Bradford, Yorkshire, unethecary-Oct 5, Eyre, Leeds, innkeeper-Oct. 5, Burton, Bradford, Yorkshire, en- graver-Oct 5, Jepson, New Melton, Yorkshire, innkeeper-Oct. II, Cox and Whiles, Henley, Staffordshire, drapers.


To be granted,unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Oct. 2, Stokes, Dover, saddler-Oct. 2, Flemming, Salters' Hall Court, Cannon Street, Ir:nter-Oct. 2, Girdlestone, North Audley Street, apothecary-Oct. 3, Radford, Stan-, ford-le-Hope, Essex, apothecary-Oct. 2, Hulls, High Wycombe, coppersmith-Oct. 9, Chrismas, Isle of Ilarty, Kent, brewer-Sept. 28, Dennis, Rochlbrd, victualler-Oct. I, Sir G. Rich, Fenchurch Strtet-corn-dealer-Oct. 1, Hutchinson, River Terrace North, City. Road, apothecary-Oct. I, Tyrer, Netvcastle Place, Clerkenwell Close, watch- makerL-Oct. 4, Philipson, North Shields, printer. 2b be confirmed unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before Sept. 28. Ridge, Grosvenor now, Pimlico, corn-dealer-Teeth Hampton, Oxfordshire-Keen, liMiligden. Middlesex, brick-maker-Paddon, Milner Place, Lower Marsh, Lambeth, clotheS-salesinan-StoCker, Batts, victualler-Fraser, Brighton, draper.


a C. Davidson, 'Edinburgh, wobliendrapers, Sept. 12, Oct. 4-31aciodoe,Leith Merchant, Sept. 13, Oct. 4-Cook, Currie, c,oratlictor,-BeptilliOct 6. ,