7 JULY 1855, page 10


SATURDAY. The event in Parliament last night was Lord John Russell's being put on his defence by Mr. Gibson, with reference to the recent conferences at Vienna. Mr. Gissorr......

To Corres,gn:ndents.

Many Letters lie before us; but 7.:/e cannot spare room for the insertion of any in this number, though we note and act upon scene of the sugges- ' Hons.......

The Following Crimean Despatches Have Been Received ; The...

by our own War Department, from General Simpson ; the second by the French War Department, from General Pelissier. "Crimea, July 4, 6.30 p. m.—Nothing of importance has occurred......

-- Viorttlauton.

By command of the Queen, lord Hardinge, as Commander-in-chief, has issued a general order on the death of Lord Raglan ; whose character and conduct, her Majesty is confident,......

A Meeting At Birmingham, On Thursday, Of Seven Or Eight

thousand persons, "enthusiastically" adopted a petition praying the House of Com- mons to assent to Mr. Roebuck's motion of censure on the late Adminis- tration, and to carry it......