SATURDAY. The event in Parliament last night was Lord John Russell's being put on his defence by Mr. Gibson, with reference to the recent conferences at Vienna. Mr. Gissorr......
To Corres,gn:ndents.
Many Letters lie before us; but 7.:/e cannot spare room for the insertion of any in this number, though we note and act upon scene of the sugges- ' Hons.......
The Following Crimean Despatches Have Been Received ; The...
by our own War Department, from General Simpson ; the second by the French War Department, from General Pelissier. "Crimea, July 4, 6.30 p. m.—Nothing of importance has occurred......
-- Viorttlauton.
By command of the Queen, lord Hardinge, as Commander-in-chief, has issued a general order on the death of Lord Raglan ; whose character and conduct, her Majesty is confident,......
A Meeting At Birmingham, On Thursday, Of Seven Or Eight
thousand persons, "enthusiastically" adopted a petition praying the House of Com- mons to assent to Mr. Roebuck's motion of censure on the late Adminis- tration, and to carry it......