-- Viorttlauton.
By command of the Queen, lord Hardinge, as Commander-in-chief, has issued a general order on the death of Lord Raglan ; whose character and conduct, her Majesty is confident, "will for ever endear his memory to the British Army." "Her Majesty has been pleased to command that her sentiments shall be communicated to the -Army, in order that the military career of so illustrious an officer shall be recorded, not only as an honourable testimony of her Majesty's sense of his eminent services, and the respect due to his memory, but as an example worthy of imitation by all ranks of her army."
Lord Raglan, better known through the greater part of his career as Lord Fitzroy Somerset, was the eighth son of the fifth Duke of Beaufort ; and was born in the year 1788. At the age of sixteen he entered the Fourth Dragoons; but after a short time, like his great master, Arthur Wellesley, he trans- ferred his services to the infantry, being promoted to a company in the Forty-third Foot. Having, however, received an appointment on Sir Arthur Wellesley's Staff, he never joined his regiment, but became the Military Secretary of his chief. After this appointment, he was present at every one of the great Peninsular battles,—at Roleia, Vimeira, Talavera, and Busaco ; the attack and capture of Oporto ; pursuit of Marshal Soult ; retreat to and occupation of the lines of Torres Vedras; the operations in pursuit of Mar- shal Massena ; the battles of Fuentes d'Onor; the first siege of Badajoz; the siege and capture of Ciudad Rodrigo ; the siege and capture of Badajoz, where the Governor surrendered to him ; the battle of Salamanca ; the capture of Madrid and the Retire; driving the enemy from Valladolid to Burgos ; the siege of that castle ; the advance in 1813; the battles of Vittoria and the Pyrenees; the action of Irun, the passage of the Bidassoa, the Nivelle, and the Rive; in the advance in 1814, the battles of Orthes and Toulouse, and every other engagement which took place during that cam- paign. For his services in these campaigns he received a medal and five clasps.
In the brief interval of pease that preceded the Hundred Days, Lord Fitzroy found time to marry Emily Harriett, second daughter of the late and sister of the present Earl of Mornington, thus knitting more closely his relations with the Great Duke. But he could not repose long in peace. Na- poleon burst forth once more, and Lord Fitzroy was again by the side of his old commander. At Quatre Bras he distinguished himself, and in the bat- tle of Waterloo he lost an arm.
The war at length ended and peace was proclaimed. Lord Fitzroy was made a full Colonel, extra Aide-de-camp to the Prince Regent, and Knight Commander of the Bath. He was Secretary of Embassy at Paris from 1816 to 1819; attended the Duke of Wellington to Vienna and Verona in 1822, and in 1826 proceeded with the Duke to St. Petersburg, when he was sent to congra- tulate the late Emperor Nicholas on his accession to the throne. He was ap- pointed in 1819 Secretary to the Duke of Wellington, Master-General of the Ordnance until 1827; and in August of that year he was made Military Secre- tary to the Commander-in-chief, the functions of which office he performed until the 30th September 1852. Rising at intervals in military rank, he became iii 1838 a Lieutenant-General. When the Duke of Wellington died and Lord Hardinge was made Commander-in-chief, Lord Fitzroy Somerset became Master-General of the Ordnance, and was raised to the Peerage by the title of Baron Raglan. After the battle of Inkerman he was elevated to the rack of Field-Marshal.
Lord Raglan leaves issue an only surviving son, Richard Henry Fitzroy Somerset, who has for many years acted as secretary to the King of Hano- ver; and two daughters. His eldest son, Major Arthur W. Fitzroy, was killed, after a brilliant career, in India, during the first campaign in the Punjaub, while serving on the staff of General 'Viscount Gough.
What kind of work Lord Fitzroy Somerset performed in the Peninsula, and hew well he performed it, Sir William Napier certifies, in speaking of the condition of the British Army in 1812. "The old regiments were incredibly hardy and experienced in all things necessary to sustain their strength and efficacy; the Staff was well practised; and Lord Fitzroy Somerset, Military Secretary, had established such an intercourse between the head-quarters and Battalion chiefs, that the latter had, so to speak, direct communication with the General-in-chief upon all the business of their regiments,—a pri- vilege which stimulated the enthusiasm and zeal of all. By this method, Lord Fitzroy acquired an exact knowledge of the moral state of each re- giment, rendered his own office important and gracious with the army, and with such discretion and judgment that the military hierarchy was inno manner weakened. All the daring young men were excited, and, being un- acquainted with the political difficulties of their General, anticipated noble triumphs, which were happily realized." The activity he showed in Spain was shown also in the Crimea. Lord Raglan, accused last winter of indifference to the sufferings of his soldiers, did, as it appears from a private diary kept by one of his Aides-de-camp, make no fewer than forty-six inspections of the lines between the 24th Sep- tember and the 23d November. "To show the careful manner in which these inspections were made, we may mention the remarkable fact, that, for the purpose of securing a better judgment of the state of the troops, several of these visits were made by Lord Raglan in private clothes." Again—on the night of the 14th November, when that fearful hurricane swept over land and sea, where was Lord Raglan, whose comfortable quar- ters provoked the envy of the Times correspondent ? He was, we are told, "riding through this pitiless storm for the purpose of personally visiting the sick wife of a soldier ; where, exhausted nature needing support, he him- self carried to her a bottle of wine."
It is stated with an air of authority, that General Knollys and General Markham are to be placed upon the Staff of the Army in the Crimea, the former as chief of the Staff; the latter in command of a Division. Lieu- tenant-Colonel the Honourable W. L. Pakenham now Assistant-Adju- tant-General, it is also stated, will succeed General Estcourt as Adjutant- General.
Mr. Justice Maule has retired from the bench of the Common Pleas, after sixteen years of service. The Lord Chancellor has supplied his place by Mr. J. S. Willes, of the Home Circuit ; a barrister of fifteen years' standing, little known beyond the limits of the profession, but en- joying a high reputation within that circle. He is only forty-two years of age.
Mr. John Black, for many years known as a writer in the Morning Chro- nicle, died on Monday week, at the age of seventy-two. He was a native of Dunse, in Berwickshire; and was first engaged by Mr. Perry as a reporter for the Morning Chronicle, in 1810. When Mr. Perry died, in 1821, Mr. Black became sole editor; from 1820 to 1833 he bad no assistant editor, but wrote nearly everything that appeared in the leading columns. Mr. Black had also been engaged in general literature : he translated Schlegel and other German authors. The Chronicle was then the stanch organ of the great Liberal party, and numbered among its contributors the wits and philoso- phers who were Free-traders and Law-reformers. In 1847 Mr. Black re- tired from the press to the quiet of a country life. He died near Rochester ; and his remains were attended to the grave, on Saturday last, by his old friends Mr. Walter Coulson and Mr. Joseph Parkes.
Mr. James Loch, who represented the Wick Burghs from 1830 to 1852, died last week, in London.
Admiral Sir Charles Ekins, an officer who was engaged in many conflicts during the last war, and whose services date as far back as 1781, died on Monday, at the age of eighty-seven.
For some time past Mr. Craven Berkeley, youngest son of the late Earl Berkeley, has been in bad health. By the advice of physicians he set out three weeks ago on his way to Ems ; but illness arrested him at Frankfort; and he died there on Sunday last. A vacancy is thus caused in the repre- sentation of Cheltenham.
Mr. James Silk Buckingham's wanderings and troubles are over. It was but the other day he published two volumes of an autobiography which threatened to be as long as a novel by Dumas. After a severe and pro- tracted illness, he died on Saturday, at his house, Upper Avenue Road. His age was sixty-nine.
Mr. John Venn Prior, a barrister, has been killed by being thrown from horse, near Kennington Park. An ostler had given him a wrong horse, one very much resembling Mr. Prior's, but more spirited ; Mr. Prior was a timid rider, and he seems to have lost control over the animal.
The Duchess of Wurtemberg, eldest sister of Prince Metternich, and widow of Field-Marshal the Duke of Wurtemberg, has just died at Ilielzing, near Vienna, at the age of eighty-four; and has bequeathed the whole of her large fortune to her nephew, Prince Richard de Metternich, now Secretary to the Austrian Legation in Paris.
The Duke and Duchess of hiontpensier, travelling under the title of Count and Countess Villamaurique, arrived at Genoa on the 24th June.
M. de Sacy has been installed a member of the French Academy, in the room of M. Jay, deceased.
Soulouque, the Black Emperor of Hayti, is dangerously ill : it is feared that his death would be the signal for fresh troubles in Hayti.
According to an American journal, a company of volunteer Canadian rifle- men, fully armed and equipped, passed through Boston a short time since, on their way to the Crimea.
It is expected that the subscription of New South Wales to the Patriotic Fund will reach 40,000/. The other Australian Colonies have not been be- hind.
The first vessel of the war navy of Australia has been launched at Sydney --the Spitfire, a little gun-boat.
An Australian war-steamer was launched in the Thames on Saturday. The Victoria is a vessel of 580 tons, which Messrs. Young and Co. of Lime- house were commissioned to construct by the Victoria Government. She will be armed with one pivot 32-pounder, and two medium 32 broadside guns : this armament can be doubled if necessary.
It is said that the King of Naples has granted permission for the forming of a British military hospital in the island of Ischia.
While the attack on the Mamelon was going on, an English lady, the wife of one of the officers, was present, and displayed great coolness and courage. General Pennefather observing this, went up and cut off a medal from the coat of a dead Russian officer, and in the most gallant manner, and with a very pretty compliment, pinned it on her shawl, saying she had fairly earned it.
Mr. Bawlinson, one of the Sanitary Commissioners in the Crimea, had a remarkable escape on the 10th of last month. Riding to the front with Dr. Taylor of the Third Division, and others, he was struck by a 68-pound shot, thrown violently from his horse on the ground, and his companions thought him dead : he was not only alive, but actually without a wound Yet the
reins were cut out of his bands, the pummel of his saddle was torn away, his coat was torn to ribands, and the clasp of his porte-monnaie was forced into his side—causing the only mark like a wound which he received. Lord Raglan paid him an early visit, and placed his own carriage at the Commis- sioner's disposal.
The Neva Stearine Works at St. Petersburg were recently burnt down : the insurances in English offices amounted to some 16,000/. A question has been raised—will the offices pay, we being at war with Russia, and our fleet before Cronstadt ? No doubt they will, unless it turn out that the fire ori- ginated in any way from the warlike proceedings. Besides giving a great deal of trouble to all newspapers by their new regulations, the Post-office authorities suddenly withdrew the privilege of transmission by post to stamped Trade Circulars and Prices Current. The merchants and brokers of London complained of this as a retrograde move- ment very unworthy of a Free-trade Government, and remonstrated against it: the Post-office gave way.
Paris is now "really brilliant" from the influx of visitors to the Exhibi- tion. Trade is brisk in the city and the provinces, while the price of grain is falling in consequence of the expectation of a good harvest.
Dr. MacCraith, a British subject practising medicine at Smyrna, was re- cently seized by bandits not far from the city ; and semi-military means to obtain his release failing, his friends had to pay a ransom of 500/. He was a prisoner in the mountains for eight days.
CIVIL LIST PENsroxs.—The pensions granted between the 20th June 1854 and the 20th June 1855, charged upon the Civil List, are seven in number, and amount to the prescribed total of 1200/. To the three daughters of the late Mrs. Horatia Nelson Ward, the adopted daughter of Lord Nelson, 300/. IS assigned ; Mrs. Moore, the widow of Colonel Willoughby Moore, who lost his life in the Europa transport on his way to the East, receives 100/. These are the only instances in which poverty to some extent is not assigned among the reasons for the grant. Mrs. Montague, widow of Mr. Montague, late Government Secretary at the Cape, 3001.—" family in very straitened circumstances." Mrs. Fullerton, widow of Lord Fullerton the eminent Scotch Judge, 2001.—left in "destitute condition." Mr. Thomas Keightley, for his services to historical literature, and in consideration of his "straitened circumstances," 100/. Mrs. Crafer, widow of Mr. Edwin Turner Crafer, of the Treasury, in consideration of his long and faithful services, and the "distressed situation" in which his widow is left with a large family, 150/. Mrs. Kitto, widow of Dr. John Kitt°, the Biblical scholar, 50/.
CRYSTAL PALACE. —Return of admissions for six days ending Friday, July 6th, including season-ticket-holders, 52,318.