The Unionist Party And Old-age ,pensions.
[To Tim EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sia,—In my humble opinion, the Unionist Party in Parlia- ment have committed three mistakes in this matter, and have misrepresented the sound......
Socialism And The Ancient Egyptians.
[To TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] Si,—Now that Socialism has passed into the region of practical politics, it is perhaps interesting to learn that the precepts of Ptah-Hotep,......
Rto Tes Editor Or Tee "spectator.") Sie, - I Am Reluctant To
ask you for more space in which to deal with your correspondent Mr. Edward Noble's charges, but his misrepresentations are so gross--whether deliberate, or due merely to......
[to . The Editor Of Tes " Spectator:1
Sra.,—This letter is out of date, as I have only just received your issue of October 9th, but I hope you will insert it. I wish to express my strong sympathy with the cause Mr.......
Horace, Odes Iv. 7.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] Stn,—Dr. Kynaston's experiment of translating Horace, Odes IV. 7, in the original metre, published in your last issue, recalled to my mind......
The Budget Referendum.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 SII1,—Your suggestion of a Referendum by the House of Commons in the Spectator of October 16th is very timely. Bat would it not be better if......
What Is Legal Value?
[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR:] Srn,—In asking this question, I do not invite you to open your columns to an endless discussion on the postulates of political economy. What......