Mike. By P. G. Wodehouse. (a. And C. Black. 8s.
6d.)—This "Public School Story" is of excellent quality. Mike Jackson is one of a distinguished family of cricketers, and likely to become the flower of the flock. He goes to......
Aerial Navigation.*
WE have hardly yet recovered from the astonishment caused by the results of the Rheims Aviation Meeting. Only the other day it was counted a marvel if a man propelled himself......
THE RED BOOK OF HEROES.* Mn. LANG is delightfully ironical when he says in his preface that we should "like all books to be fairy-tales or novels." As for fairy-tales, we must......
Eton In The "twenties."* Jr Is Not Likely That This
book will be read widely outside Etonian circles, though it would vividly illustrate for others what is really of general interest,—namely, the unbroken Eton tradition of......