Purity Of The Church.
MORNING HERALD—It will be recollected that the Duke of Wel- lington and Sir Robert Peel seceded from Mr. Canning's Administra- tion on the ground of an attachment to the Church......
Discontents In The Nf.titerlands.
THE Traits—The Dutch, being a quiet busy people, little disposed to political wrangling, and, from long experience of integrity in their courts, inclined to place implicit faith......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 26th nit, atDover, the lady of the Hon. CsAttz.Es EwAN LAW, of atom On the 26th ult. at Hrecknock Crescent, Camden Town, the wife of Dr. FRANCIS CAMPBELL of a......
The Press.
THE MINISTRY AND THE HUSKISSONIANS. MORNING CHRONICLE —Mr. Charles Grant has been returned for the County of Inverness, notwithstanding the canvassing letters of Mr. 11I'Leod,......