Republican Tranquillity.-an American Paper, On The Autho-...
arrivals, mentions that in Mexico, General Guerrero, the Revolutio-tary leader, had gained a victory over the Government troops, near Acapulco, of whom foar hundred were killed......
The Army.
WAR-01+1 , 1es, Aug. 31.-7th Regt. of Dragoon Guards : Lieut. T. Atkin son to be Capt. by purchase, vice Hodges, who retires : Cornet Sir J. L. Dun tze, Bart. to be Lieut. by......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. On the 26th nit, atDover, the lady of the Hon. CsAttz.Es EwAN LAW, of atom On the 26th ult. at Hrecknock Crescent, Camden Town, the wife of Dr. FRANCIS CAMPBELL of a......
Captains Smith And Mareham.—bills Were Presented To The...
of Dublin against these gentlemen, the principal and se- cond in the duel in which Mr. O'Grady lost his life in March last, for manslanghter and for murder. The Grand Jury......
Quantity Of Sediment In River Waren.—very Few Satis-...
have as yet been made to enable us to determine, with any degree of accuracy, the mean quantity of earthy matter dis- charged annually into the sea by some one of the principal......