S ir: May I, through your columns, apologise to Miss Sandy Parkinson and Mr Martin Horrox of Lincolnshire and Humberside Arts, for the article by Shiva Naipaul ('The road to......
The Cossacks
Sir: It is disingenuous for Nicholas Bethell (25 February) to cite a handful of victimised Cossacks as typical of the majority who were traitors and enthusiastic collaborators......
Sir: Walter Paterson says (18 February) that Friends of the Earth are to publish a pamphlet for those wishing to consider the 'facts' of the Windscale inquiry. May I......
Fallen Idol
Sir: We agree with the article by Ferdinand Mount (18 February). Having met Mr Heath at the House of Commons during a tea party organised by the Oxford Tory Reform Group, being......
Mr Ngugi's Detention
Sir: The following open letter has been sent to the Attorney-General in Nairobi: 'We, the members of the English Subject Group at the University of Sussex, are profoundly......
Defining 'catholic'
Sir: Patrick Marnham in his article 'Fal' ling in love with love' (11 February) uses the term 'Catholic' as synonomous with 'Roman Catholic', a thing which no loyal Anglican......
Waugh's World
Sir: It would do no harm to Mr Auberon Waugh to peruse the statistics of the num bers of men and women who never live to enjoy the pension to which they have con tributed......