Remains Of Gentilion And Judaism. By John Aubrey, F.l.s.,...
Edited and annotated by James Britten, F.L.S. (Published for the Folk-Lore Society, by Solihull, Peyton, and Co.)—This curious manuscript of Aubroy's has never before been......
The Book Of Scotsmen Eminent For Achievements In Arms And
Arts, 'Church and State, Law, Legislation, and Literature, Commerce, Science, and Philanthropy. Compiled and arranged by Joseph Irving. (A. Gardner, Paisley.)—We regret to begin......
With Irregulars In The Transvaal And Zululand. By W. H.
Tomasson. (Remington.)—Mr. Tomaseon's reminiscences are, in fact, much more occupied with Zululand than with the Transvaal. His book was written before the Boor revolt......
Alfred Tennyson : H Is Life And Works. By Walter E.
Waco. (Mac- niven and Wallace.) — If it is right to produce a book of this kind at all, Mr. Waco may be allowed the credit of having performed his task in a satisfactory manner.......