My Start In Life. By A Young Middy. 1 Vol.
(Sampson Low and Co.)—These bright letters of a young middy are pleasant reading. He starts in such freshness and high spirits, and writes so naturally, that his indifference to......
An Old Educational Reformer T Dr. Andrew Bell. By Professor
Moiklejohn. (Blackwood,)—It is not every one in these days who knows what is meant by the "Madras System" which some eighty years ago made the name of Boll famous. Briefly, it......
Some Of The Magazines.
THE Contemporary is full of papers of a certain interest, the most readable, perhaps, being two on Lord Beaconsfield—one shy " Shirley," from the admiring point of view ; and......
Mother Shipton Investigated. By William H. Harrison. (w....
Harrison has collected here in a handy little volume what is known of "Mother Shipton." He would have done better,. perhaps, if he had omitted some very unsavoury details of a......
Alfred Tennyson : H Is Life And Works. By Walter E.
Waco. (Mac- niven and Wallace.) — If it is right to produce a book of this kind at all, Mr. Waco may be allowed the credit of having performed his task in a satisfactory manner.......
Current Literature.
Man's Mora/ Nature. By R. W. Backe, M.D. (Trtibner and Co.) —The author of this essay is, it appears, an ardent admirer of Walt Whitman ; hence, perhaps, some of the obscurities......
Shakespeare : Selected Plays, Abridged For The Use Of The
Young. By Samuel l3randram. (Smith, Elder, and Co.)—It is not necessary to adopt the opinion of the royal critic, that much of Shakespeare was "sad stuff," before wo approve of......
The Future Of Palestine. By 13. Walker. (nisbet.)—mr....
us, by way of introduction, an interesting account of the German colony of Haifa, near Carmel. Wo quite agree with him in thinking that this shows what may be done with......