MOUTH PHILHARMONIC CONCERT—JUNE 29, 1846. PAST I. Sinfonia in E Flat (No. 8.) Haydn. Arie, " Liebe tat diee Bliithe," Herr Pischek (Faust) Spohr. Concert Stuck, Ilan , Madame......
Musical Union.
MR. ELLA'S society promises to have increased stability and success. Vieuxtemps and Madame Pleyel were the attractions of Tuesday morning; when Beethoven's Quintet in C, and......
Fine Arts.
THE LATE B. R. HAYDON. THE melancholy fact that a man of strong natural talents and great ability both as an artist and a teacher of his art—who was equally remarkable for high......
Publications Received.
BOOKS. Notwithstanding the momentous incidents of the week, in the settlement of the Oregon question and the unsettlement of Government at home, the week has been a busy one in......