Probable Change In The Permanent Staff At The Colonial...
A PARTICULAR duty awaits the next Colonial Minister, and we presume that Earl Grey will be quite equal to it. When Lord John Russell was last in power, as Secretary for the......
Irish Absenteeism.
Ansarrraiussr has been magnified into a monstrous bugbear ; and Mr. O'Connell goes so far in his last letter, as to rest the de- mand for a "Domestic Legislature" on the plea of......
Post-office Reform In Prussia.
IT may at first appear strange that the English should be inte- rested not only in a London Post-office appointment, but in the appointment of a Postmaster-General at Berlin. We......
Leagues—how To Prevent Them. Linz Ablest And Most...
the Protectionist journals is scandalized at the share imputed to the Anti-Corn-law League, by Sir Robert Peel, and by another paper, in the late legislation. "Shall the British......