3 AUGUST 1878, page 2

Of Mr. Gladstone's Speech We Have Said Almost As Much

else- where as we can usefully say to those who do not themselves read, as everybody should, that terse and -vivid specimen of state- ment, argument, and denunciation. But we......

Mr. Bourke's Speech Was Also Worthy Of Note, If Only

for its very strong assertion that the Anglo-Turkish Convention was a purely conditional engagement. "We had not guaranteed Turkish territory, as had been done in 1856. Our......

Yesterday Week Lord Rosebery Called Attention To The...

Memorandum, in a speech of considerable skill and liveliness, saying that the policy of the Government being so great as it is, the greater is the need of some explanation. As......

The Great Debate On Lord Hartington's Motion Regretting...

of the hopes of the Greeks, the vast and ill- considered responsibilities of the Anglo-Turkish Convention, and the unconstitutional course of deciding on so vast a change in......

Tuesday's Debate Commenced With A Lively Speech From Lord...

who spoke of the Turkish power in Europe as now "con- centrated," and therefore probably stronger than it had ever previously been,—an unlucky expression which gave rise to Mr.......

And No Doubt The Russians At Berlin Were Put Out

of fear by the engagement they had in their pocket that the talk about Batoum and so forth meant nothing ; but in the House of Lords Lord Salisbury was kindled into anger by......

The Greater Part, However, Of.the Debate Oflionday Night...

in the extreme. The amendment adopted by the Govern- ment was moved, for instance, byMr.Plunket, in a speech of much less than his usual animation ; but Sir Charles Dilke's......