3 AUGUST 1878, page 12

Chairman Of The Middlesex Magistracy.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—You have been entirely misinformed in this matter. Immediately on the resignation of Lord Salisbury, a requisition to Captain Morley was......


THE POSITION OF WOMEN IN TURKEY.* THE author of this work, our whole knowledge of whom is derived from his casual allusions to himself, was born and bred in the harem, has......


OUTWARDS OR HOMEWARDS. STILL are the ships that in haven ride, Waiting fair winds or turn of the tide ; Nothing they fret, though they do not get' Out on the glorious ocean......

Holidays For Poor Children.

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Many of those who read Miss Stephen's letter on this sub- ject in the ,Sptetator on the 13th ult. must have been seized with a longing......


[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Some weeks ago you noticed the controversy then going on about horse-shoes. Your well known desire to help on the humane 'treatment of......