29 MAY 1941, page 3

A Minister For Home Defence The Select Committee On National

Expenditure has come out with a most timely report on (among other things) the better organisation of the civil defence services. True to its terms of reference, it approaches......

The Week In Parliament

Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes : The big events move so quickly that Parliament can scarcely comprehend them. Hess, Vichy, Crete, ' Bismarck,' Roosevelt : each deserves......

It May Be Assumed That The House Of Commons Is

deeply concerned with the Home Front. Once again a report from the Select Committee on National Expenditure has stirred up a problem of first magnitude, Civil Defence. The House......

Absenteeism And Production

Attention is called to another matter of the utmost urgency by the Select Committee on National Expenditure in its report on conditions in aircraft-factories. It points out that......

As I Stated Last Week, The Big Debate Left Most

questions unanswered in the public mind. The speeches of Mr. Clement Davies and Sir John Wardlaw Milne, on the Finance Bill, suggested that the country was not yet mobilised for......

Finally, If We Produce The Weapons And Preserve The Nation's

health and welfare—and we can do both by more resolute effort—we must also see that our propaganda machine is overhauled, both at home and overseas. This is an essential part of......


Ulster And Conscription

The Prime Minister's announcement that conscription is not to be applied to Northern Ireland will be received with universal relief everywhere outside Ulster, and by a sub-......