The French Chamber Is To Be Dissolved At Once, And
the new elections will be held about August 21st. This is rather a sudden notice on the part of the French Government. The date originally fixed upon and generally known to the......
Mr. Goschen Was Entertained On Wednesday By The City Liberal
Club, at the Club-room, Walbrook, Sir John Lubbock taking the chair, in the necessary absence of Lord Granville, who had not yet sufficiently recovered from his attack of gout......
Mr. Goschen, As We Expected Last Week, Is Clearly Casting
his lot among the Conservative Whigs. He did not vote at all on the Transvaal question ; and on Lord E. Fitzmanrice's motion to limit the operation of the Irish Land Bill, so......
The Conkling Deadlock, As It Is Called,—in Other Words, The
difficulty of deciding who should be returned to the Senate of the United States as representative of the New York Legisla- ture, in place of Mr. Conkling, who resigned because......
Cardinal Jacobini, The Pope's Secretary Of State, Has...
Circular to the Ambassadors and Ministers accredited to the Pope, explaining that the insults offered to the body of the late Pope on July 13th are regarded by the Pope as......
Not So, For The Present At Least, Sir William Harcourt,
who seized the occasion to pronounce a very spirited eulogium on Mr. Gladstone's wonderful achievements in the conduct of the Irish Land Bill. "The foremost man of the age," as......
President Garfield Has Had, A Serious Relapse, Which...
operation necessary to remove the splinters of bone from the wound, and to open the gathering which they had caused. The operation was conducted without chloroform, only ether......
Midhat Pasha And The Other Persons Accused Of Having Ordered
the execution of Abdul Aziz are not to be executed, but are sentenced to perpetual exile instead. The Sultan, it appears, summoned a Council to take the responsibility of the......