The French Chamber Is To Be Dissolved At Once, And
the new elections will be held about August 21st. This is rather a sudden notice on the part of the French Government. The date originally fixed upon and generally known to the......
The Debate On The Transvaal Came Off On Monday Night,
and was much more temperate than might have been expected from the preliminary display in Willis's Rooms. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, in his opening speech, dropped the accusation......
Lord Granville Has Explained, In Very Frank Language, To The
French Government that her Majesty's Government are not at all prepared to look upon any French interference in Tripoli as they have looked upon the French interference in......
On The Other Hand, Mr. Rathbone, Who Moved The Amend-
ment approving the policy of the Government, made an extremely spirited defence of the course taken, on the assump- tion that it was undoubtedly a frank confession of error, but......
On Tuesday, Lord Edmond Fitzmauriee Moved An Amend- Ment...
to limit the operation of the seventh clause of the Bill,—the one relating to judicial rents,—to holdings under the amount of £100 a year, on which a sharp debate took place,......
Mr. Chamberlain's Speech Was Also Very Adroit, And Candid...
in its admission of the manifold difficulties of the situation, and able in its exposition of the reasons for delaying the change of front 80 long,—which reasons were, in brief,......
On Thursday, The Committee On The Irish Land Bill At
last finished its labours, the final battle being a rather smart engagement between the Government and the Opposition on a clause proposed by Mr. Parnell, and accepted by the......