30 JANUARY 1953, page 18

Private Views

A Year of Space. By Eric Linklater. (Macmillan. 18s.) The Life for Me. By Rupert Croft-Cooke. (Macmillan. 18s.) HE who scuds forth upon the voyage of autobiography with all his......

Eighteenth-century Politics

SINCE the publication of Sir Lewis Namier's Structure of Politics at the Accession of George III, professional histotians have concentrated a great deal of attention on the......

Changing America

The Big Change, 1900-1950. By Frederick Lewis Allen. (Hamish Hamilton. 15s.) MR. LUBELL has written the most original essay in interpreting American politics that has appeared......

For France

ONE could convict this book easily on two minor charges. First, it is too lightweight to substantiate the claim of its sub-title, " The Story of British Aid to French Patriots......