30 JANUARY 1953, page 15

By The Water Visiting A Famous Beauty-spot We Found The

turnstile unattended, for it is not supposed to be the season for looking at waterfalls; but we passed through, paying oar penny and operating the device our- selves. A wintry......


SIR, —Many people must have been impressed by the sincerity of the author of An Agnostic's Quest in your issue of January 16th. I wonder if the following chain of " incredibles......

A Pigeon's Crop

Not long ago I examined a pigeon that had been shot. Its crop was full of acorns. It had swallowed between twenty and thirty, and the bulges made the bird seem deformed, for the......

Early Vegetables

An application of weathered soot is beneficial to autumn-sown beans, and early-planted shallots will be helped by the same treatment. Put in early peas of the dwarf variety in a......

Potted Oak

Sia,—Your reviewer, dealing with Dr. Plumb's book Chatham. says: " You cannot plant an oak in a flower-pot." In 1937 (Coronation year) 1 planted an oak in a six-inch flower-pot.......


Someone had dragged away a hawthorn that had been lying on the the ground since last autumn and had left the ground exposed. I stood looking at the decayed grass and the straws......



Sri,—May ,I correct J. F. 13.'s reference in his notes of January 23rd, At Westminster, to my supplementary question ? I was not pressing the Chancellor on behalf of old-age......

Country Life

ON the skyline to our right I could see the roof and chimneys of a little white-washed farm, but we were past it before I recalled that I knew the man who lives there. I had......