This Mutiny At Martinique May Produce Consequences....
not like being shot down by their comrades, and if all we hear is true, the Zouaves were badly used. According to the official account, 1,050 Zouaves landed in Port de France on......
The Atlantic And Great Western Railway Company Invite...
the issue of 2,771,600/. sterling mortgage bonds, having 25 years to run, and bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent. per annum. The bonds are of 100/. each, and the......
We Have Good News For The Pre-raffaelites. There Is Some
chance of their being able to establish an illustrated organ, a daily paper if they please, which shall popularize their views by reproducing whatever sketches they may......
The Following Figures Show The Closing Prices Of The Leading
foreign securities yesterday and on Friday week :— Friday, Nov-24. Friday, Dee. 1. 171 .. 171 • • • • 14 74 7 46 1 48 Greek Do. Coupons .. Mexican Spanish Passive •• Do.......
On Saturday Last Consols Left Off At 891 For Money,
and 88.1 for account. Yesterday the closing prices were 89i e for transfer, and 871 88 for time, indicating a fall of rather more than one quarter per cent. The Bank return is......
Dr. Pusey Has Written To The Editor Of The Catholic
paper the TVeekly Register, to thank him for his favourable review of Dr. Tusey's Eirenicon, a work in which apparently the Doctor tried to discover articles of peace which......
Dr. Temple Has Addressed A Letter To The Times, In
which he argues in favour of admitting students to Oxford without obliging them to reside in any college. They would then, like the students of Edinburgh, live where they......
The Leading British Railways Left Off At The Annexed...
yesterday and on Friday week :— Friday, Nov. 24. Friday, Dec. 1. Caledonian .. • • Great Eastern .. •• .. 47 .. .. 121 48 Great Northern Great Western. .. .• •. Do. limit......
The German Lad Whom The British Government Selected As King
of Greece does not seem to give much satisfaction at Athens. Greece has had three ministries in a month, brigandage increases so rapidly that travelling is impossible without......
Sir Eardley Wilmot Has Published A Pamphlet On Reform,...
for its statistics, but we need not discuss his plan. It has a fatal blot, being based on the increase of the House of Commons. Will men otherwise so able never see that unless......
There Can Be No Doubt Of The Manner In Which
the Southern :States intend to use their powers. They will pass vagrancy laws, 'which will tie the negro to the soil, whip for disobedience, and if necessary limit the rate of......
There Is Hope Yet For The Eyes Of Londoners. The
Commissioners of Sewers have ordered the companies which supply the City with gas to be prosecuted for supplying gas full of sulphur. The penalty, we regret to say, is not penal......