This mutiny at Martinique may produce consequences. French soldiers do
not like being shot down by their comrades, and if all we hear is true, the Zouaves were badly used. According to the official account, 1,050 Zouaves landed in Port de France on 27th October, and were marched into Fort Desaix. The Governor, rather afraid of a disturbance, ordered that they should visit the
town 200 at a time, so 'that during the week's sojourn each Zouave would have one day's leave. The Zouaves mutinied, seized some muskets, attacked the gate, and were shot down by soldiers and marines to the number of sixteen killed and thirty- seven wounded. If this story is correct they were in the verongN but a private letter from Pori de France assures us that the Governor would only let out twenty-five at a time, thus depriving 800 of them of any holiday at all. If this latter account is true, we shall yet hear more of the Martinique mutiny.