2 AUGUST 1924, page 8

The New South African Parliament Was Opened By The...

on July 25th, but it did not settle down to serious business till this week. The session is 'to be a short one and will primarily be concerned with financial matters, the......

The Second Personality Who Has Again Been In The Limelight

is Mr. Eamon De Valera, who received an extraordinary welcome on his release from prison at the Mansion House in Dublin last week. The size of the assembled crowd certainly came......

Those Of Us Who Have Been Following Maclaren's Progress Each

day with such anxiety, and who have * If readers are anxious to pursue the subject and study the evidence more in detail, they should consult R. Goldschmidt, Mechanism and......


ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD. BY EVELYN WRENCH. A T the moment of writing Squadron-Leader Ma.cLaren is engaged in negotiating what is probably the most difficult stretch of his world......

Those Who Have Complained Of The Dullness Of Irish Politics

during the period when the Irish Free State Government has been engaged on the task of trying to set its house in order will apparently have little grounds for further complaint......


[We take this opportunity to inform our readers that we have arranged with Mr. Julian.Huidey, who is at present visiting . Canada and the United States on the occasion of the......