Soldiers For The Land.
[To THE EDITOR or THE "SrscTnroa. •, l Sut,—Your article of November 13th on that of Mr. Charles Bathurst in the Nineteenth Century on the above subject was very interesting.......
Compulsion, Moral And Legal.
rTo THE EDITOR Or Tns "EPEcTATOIL."1 your article on " Compulsion, Moral and Legal," in the issue of November 6th, you say 1— " We have always been in favour of universal......
[To THE EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTAFOR.") Silt,—We are all making the most of our blue cards. If we could honestly assure single men and married alike that what can be done to assure......
"what Of The Schoolmaster P"
(To THE EDITOIL OP TEE "PiPPOTAT011...) Sut,—There is a grave danger in the present agitation to make every man give up his vocation in order to go out and fight, irrespective......