{to The Editor Of The " Eivectlt011:1 Sin,—thanks To The
bold attitude taken by yourself and others, a large proportion of the more thoughtful of our population are now reading " the writing on the wall, " the writing which our King,......
Letters To The Editor.
A. NATIONAL HUMILIATION. rre Tilt E 1 TO It Or Tat “SrtlITATOlt."1 Sra e —In my opinion, it is nothing less than a national humiliation that we should discuss at what time the......
Itc The Editor Of The " Speota.tor. " 1 Sir,---i Have Been
much interested in your articles and letters in connexion with the drink traffic, and think now is the time for the Government to step in and buy up " the trade " on a basis of......
Lt 0 Tits Editor Or The "spectator. "] Sru,—it Is A Comfort
to open the Spectator. One is not faced by quack advertisements, linen-drapers' portraits of women in every kind of underclothing, or by that tiresome picture of a man, in the......
Drink And Economy. (to The Editor Of The "sraersvort."1...
a letter which appears in the last number of the Spectator signed " Hilda N. Richardson " there is a fallacy which occurs so frequently in the letters and speeches one reads on......
[to The Editor Or The "arms...roe:1 Sir,—the Following Is An
extract from a letter written by an elementary-school teacher in a ruining district:— "As one goes about in towns such as Rotherham and Sheffield. one wonders why the Government......