News Of The Week
D R. SCHACHT'S removal from Presidency of the Reichsbank has produced a rich crop of rumours within and without Germany; the real question it raises is whether Germany can......
Count Clans" In Belgrade Count Ciano's Visit To Belgrade Has
revealed a curious conflict between the political and the economic aims of the Axis. Politically the two Powers co-operate, economically they compete. The political aims of......
Towards The Palestine Conference From The Secret...
been going on at Cairo in the past week between members of the different Arab delegations to the Palestine Conference in London, one conclusion, at any rate emerges—that the......
M. Chvalkovsky In Berlin Germany Has Rather Less Need To
show tact towards Czecho-Slovakia than towards Poland. The Czechs have recognised and accepted the conditions created by the Munich agreement, and both in their internal and......
Herr Von Ribbentrop In Warsaw Germany Prosecutes With...
the task of re- organising Eastern and Central Europe. The final form of her policy is not yet clear. At the present moment her energies appear to be directed to neutralising......