27 JANUARY 1939, page 14

People And Things

By HAROLD NICOLSON T HE only thing which I have in common with Napoleon is an almost morbid interest in the part played by chance in human destiny. How dull, in truth, are......

We Never Thought About Hitler. We Thought About Wes- Tarpp

and Hugenberg, but we dismissed Hitler from our minds. In 1928 Hitler was not taken seriously by any German of experience. I remember that for a short time I began to feel......

It Is Strange, Upon This Wet Aad Windy Winter Evening,

to sit gazing into the fire and to think back upon the Berlin of only ten years ago. The Locarno spirit cast its beneficent beams over all our actions. Then came the Kellogg......

It Is Difficult For Us Today To Conceive Of The

position which Lord D'Abemon occupied in Berlin between 1920 and 1926. No British Ambassador since Malmesbury has exercised such persistent or creative influence. Superb and......

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Those days seem now as distant as January from June. The sunshine of Locarno is contracted into the grim clouds of Munich. The very name of Stresemann has been ex- punged from......


Chance, exploited with amazing discretion, guided Hjalmar Schacht throughout his career. Starting as a journalist upon a notoriously scurrilous newspaper, he transferred himself......