26 OCTOBER 1945, page 14

Country Life

THE later harvests are proving most beneficently abundant, and the dry, warm weather befell at the chosen moment. The sun was just in time to add a good percentage of sugar to......

Belsen Trials

Sta,—Mr. Kempson's letter about the Belsen trials expresses a point of view which I have read and heard exprosed almost everywhere in recent weeks. It may be that this general......

English Locusts An Unexpected Acknowledgement Of The...

weather greeted me as I sat in a little south-looking verandah. Two large grasshoppers came to sun themselves on the warm concrete Boor, and two unexpected butterflies, a......

The Dress Shirt

Sta,—In a recent number of The Spectator your contributor, "Janus," inveighed against the fiat issued by some of the luxury restaurants in London regarding the wearing of......

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Edible Mushrooms A Number Of Correspondents Take Me To Task

for a "sin of omission." They are unanimous in their praise of the King Penguin book, Edible Fungi (price 2s), by John Ramsbottom, who recently gave an admirable broadcast. The......

In My Garden

The destruction of a hedge of Lonicera Nitida (which needed inordinate attention) !eaves the question what to plant instead. Some shrub not very greedy in root is needed, for......

- First Catch Your Maid

Sta,—Your correspondent is right about the cat-o'-nine tails, but he does not carry his correction of M. Gardner far enough. The use of the " cat " giving rise to the saying was......

Turkey And The Arabs

SIR,—The feading article, "Mr. Bevin's Problems," in your issue dated October 12th, 1945, refers to Turkey as an Arab State. This is definitely a wrong statement. I am sure the......

Strange Seedlings The Surprising Presence Of Buddleia...

ruined houses of London has astonished many. When at an earlier date I recorded this, a naval officer wrote to ask if the Buddleia was a species of Willow- herb! It is an alien......

Change Of Address.

Subscribers are reminded that notification of change of address should reach the office of The Spectator, seven clear days before the alteration is to take effect_......