26 OCTOBER 1889, page 3

A Jury Has At Last Been Empanelled At Chicago To

try the alleged murderers of Dr. Cronin. The unscrupulous use of the right of challenge has not helped the accused, and though upwards of eleven hundred jurymen were summoned,......

Friday Was The Anniversary Of The Charge Of The Light

Brigade, and Colonel John Shakespear, late Royal Artillery, who was on that day second-in-command of Maude's Horse Artillery, publishes in the Chronicle an account of what he......

The Trial Of William Coll, The Man Charged With The

murder of District-Inspector Martin, ended on Tuesday, at the ad- journed Maryborough Assizes, in a verdict of "Manslaughter." Mr. Justice Gibson, in summing up the evidence,......

On Tuesday, The Primate Of All England Began His Quadrennial

visitation of the clergy and laity of his diocese at Canterbury Cathedral. In his first address he dwelt specially on the duty of the Church in regard to social improvement.......

On Thursday, The Parnell Commission Resumed Its Sittings....

who read from a voluminous manuscript, stated that he stood there "to defend as well as he could the name and character and cause of the peasantry of Ireland." " Their Lordships......

The County Council On Friday Week Decided The Dispute As

to the music-halls in a rather unexpectedly sensible manner. A test vote was taken on the renewal of a licence to the Trocadero, and the Council by a vote of 81 to 34 renewed it......

There Is Reason To Believe That Emin Pasha And Stanley

are at last safe. Captain Wissmann, the German Commissioner in East Africa, has informed his Government of their approach- ing arrival at Mpwapwa, which lies within the German......

It Is Very Rare For A Distinctive Personality To Emerge

from among the lower ranks of the European reigning caste, for, as a rule, individualism is crushed out there by the terrible weight of Court etiquette, and of those strange and......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent.

New Console (29) were on Friday 96. to 97,......