26 OCTOBER 1889, Page 3

There is reason to believe that Emin Pasha and Stanley

are at last safe. Captain Wissmann, the German Commissioner in East Africa, has informed his Government of their approach- ing arrival at Mpwapwa, which lies within the German pro- tectorate. They had been compelled from dread of the Masai to take a circuitous route, but at Mpwapwa they will be safe, and can easily be forwarded to the coast, where both will, we hope, be utilised for the government of large tracts of African territory. By-the-way, might not our explorers rename African places, as they do in other savage regions P Half the difficulty of recollecting African facts would disappear if the places had European names such as we have given to the great lakes. Nobody, not even a Welshman, could possibly govern Mpwapwa, or live there without suffering deterioration of the organs of speech.