Why Should The Official Mind Go Into Such Abstruse Questions
as that of the true metaphysical essence of a Newspaper? It appears that Mr. John Tilley, the Secretary to the Post Office, has informed the proprietors of the Bristol Mercury......
The New York 7tines Has An Interesting Story Of A
man saved from a wreck through having a life-preserver, which enabled him eventually to get hold of a plank,—alone it would not have kept him enough out of the water to prevent......
Mr. Cavendish Bentinck Does Not Appear To Agree With Mr.
Bentinck that there should be a Reform Bill giving the counties more representation, but not more voters. At Whitehaven, the other day, he objected to all reform ; called the......
The Duke Of Bedford Has Promised The Town Of Bedford
a colossal statue in bronze of the preaching tinker who in 1672 had passed twelve consecutive years of his life in Bedford jail. We trust, to make the irony of fate complete,......
The Coroner's Inquest Into The Kelvedon Accident Is Still...
ceeding, the real point at issue being the state of the sleepers, which many witnesses declare to have been rotten, which the-officials of course pronounce perfect, and which......
We Hear A Good Deal In The Papers About The
government and parliament and finance of Fiji, which last, we need not say, is curious and confused. How long Fiji will be allowed to play at self-government we hardly know, but......
The Times Publishes A Curious Account Of The Match Monopoly
lately established by the French Government. It was found im- possible to tax matches, but quite possible to sell the exclusive right of making them, and this has been done. A......
Everybody Gets Compensation Nowadays, And We Want To Know...
the group of journals in Wellington Street, which includes the Spectator, the Examiner, the Athenseum, and we know not how many more, should not have some too. Their......
The Times Calls Attention To A Real Grievance Which Spain
has against us. We cannot surrender Gibraltar, because Spain being weak France might seize it, and close the gates of the Mediter- ranean, but we can abolish the smuggling which......
Consols Were On Friday 92f To 92f, And The Bank
of England has not raised its rate as it was expected to do. The crisis is not, however, over yet.......