26 OCTOBER 1872, page 1

The Comte De Chambord Has Been Moved By The Idea

of a definitive Republic to address a letter to his friends which has excited some attention in Paris. In it he asserts his belief that liberty can only come with the hereditary......

Sir J. Coleridge Is The First Member Of The Government

who has spoken out manfully and strongly in behalf of the Labourers, who, he says, "live very hardly and work very long, sad have at the end of life nothing to hope for." He......

A Fight Of Two Years Between The Foreign Office, The

India Office, and the Treasury is over at last, and the Cabinet is going to do a very fine and chivalric thing. Sir Bartle Frere is to be despatched to Zanzibar with the......

In Connection With This Decision, Which Was Still Pending On

Wed- nesday, there occurred the most extraordinary outbreak of malice on the part of the New York Herald and IVorld, which appeared on that date with statements to the following......

The Attorney-general Has Made A Long, Able, And...

speech to his constituents at Exeter. He apologised for the divisions in the party by saying there are five hundred ways of moving, and only one of sitting still ; declared in......

News Of The Week

T HE San Juan question, as it is called, i.e., the question as to the boundary between Vancouver's Island and the American territory south of the 49th parallel, has been decided......

The French Elections Of Sunday Have Ended In A Great

victory for the Republicans. In six out of seven departments—depart- ments, not electoral districts—the Gironde, the Indre-et-Loire, the Oise, Calvados, Vosges, and......

*„,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In...
