The Kaiser's Arrogance
Sir: I am obliged gently to rebuke my for- mer colleague, John Keegan, not only for insisting (Letters, 17 October) that General Gallieni's name is not spelled with an acute......
Unlikely Story
Sir: In his entertaining and generally well- founded article ('Arms and the men', 10 October), Chapman Pincher states that Eisenhower's wartime infidelity is well docu- mented.......
Sorry, Digby Sir: I Note That Your Leader Of 10
October advocates young girls starving themselves until they resemble stick insects, thus slight- ly prolonging their lives at the cost of ruin- ing them. It's not that I......
Rank Grievances
Sir: As many of your readers will know, the army is a deeply hierarchical institution. It seems that the tiresome desire to pull rank has not deserted my 'slightly superior'......
Hitler's Hot Air
Sir: Irfon Roberts and Michael McAllen (Letters, 17 October), like Frank Johnson, fight the corner for the pro-Munichites. However, Irfon Roberts overlooks the fact that in 1938......
Northern Exposure
Sir: Simon Hoggart (`The thirty years war', 10 October) says that the Observer was the only paper interested in Ulster affairs before 1969. That may be. But in 1968, when I was......
Rethinking Berlin
Sir: I was painfully astonished to read (Books, 17 October) an alleged 'review' of the biography of Sir Isaiah Berlin by a Canadian journalist, prolific and respected, which I......
Soviet Number Crunch
Sir: The answer to Max von Reimann's question (Letters, 10 October) is 'never'. If any records were kept by the troops of the Soviet Interior Ministry of its immense drive from......