24 OCTOBER 1998, Page 36

Rank grievances

Sir: As many of your readers will know, the army is a deeply hierarchical institution. It seems that the tiresome desire to pull rank has not deserted my 'slightly superior' for- mer brother officer, Christopher Renwick (Letters, 17 October).

On the positive side, however, the army does develop exceptional physical capabili- ties. Around 20 years ago, I was witness, but not party, to a frightening scene involving the then Captain Renwick, a young and cur- vaceous animal (a brigadier's daughter, I think), a prize-winning vegetable and what appeared to be highly stimulating minerals.

That he is capable of writing to your mag- azine after that experience is truly remark- able and a testimony to RMA Sandhurst's world-renowned fitness regime. While his mental faculties seem to have improved over time, I would imagine that he is no longer in quite such rude physical health.

Nicholas Lunt

Bld de l'Imperatrice 13, Brussels, Belgium