The Lithographic Process.
A compendious but detailed and intelligible treatise on the lithographic process has been issued in a well-looking volume,* from the printing es- tablishment of Messrs. Waterlow......
Hat On Architeotural Design.*
This pamphlet supplies one more illustration of the principle which Mr. Hay has so ingeniously, zealously, and consistently advocated. We have stated that principle oftener than......
Fi Lriff.
MR. C. ROACH SMITH'S MUSEUM. It has long been a reproach to Englishmen that the archmology of their own country receives so little consideration in the national collection. A......
Publications Received.
BOOKS. _Memoirs of Sir Robert Strange; Ent., Engraver, Member of several Foreign Academics of Design ; and of his Brother-in-law, Andrew Luntisden, Private Secretary to the......