21 JUNE 1919, page 3

Just About The Time When The Ministry Came Into Being,

the reserves of artillery ammunition at the front began mounting by leaps and bounds. "The new Department had nothing to do with the matter beyond ladling out goods for which......

It Is Really Refreshing To Those Who Search-for Political...

in these days to find it. It does not greatly matter whether , one thinks the Duke of Northumberland is an alarmist or not. He says exactly what he thinks—and he is a very clear......

Yet Again, Men Le As Ingenious In Overcoming Or...

as he is in inventing them. Threaten men with bogies as much- as you please, and you still cannot prevent. them from fighting when something -makes them see red. There is an......

Mr. Pierpont Morgan, Who Has Rendered Great Services To This

country in connexion with the buying of supplies and munitions - in America, has generously given. to Great Britain the collection of stained glass formed by his father and lent......

The Irish-american Sinn Feiners, Who Were Permitted To...

tour in Ireland last month, drew up a Report " cover- ing the facts" which was published- on- Friday week. Their German friends have shown us during the war how far the truth......

The Duke Of Northumberland, Speaking At The Junior Con-...

Club on Thursday week, said that the only schemes of nationalization now before the country aimed at the over. throw of all existing forms of government. The programme of the......

The British Bolsheviks, In Fact, As The Duke Of Northumber-

land went on to explain, were determined to make private enterprise impossible. All proposals for nationalization were merely steps to that end. He ended with some advice to the......

We Regret To Record The Fact That The Oxford Convocation

on Tuesday rejected by a narrow majority of six votes the proposal to make Greek no longer compulsory in Responsione. The. leader of the opposition expressed a desire for a......

Next Sir Charles Callwell Remarks That High Explosive Was...

the first time employed seriously in the Balkan campaign of 1912. Lord French was then Chief of the General Staff, but the Staff stood out against adopting this explosive. When......

Two Officers Of The Royal Air Force, Captain Alec.* And

Lieutenant Whitten Brown, have flown across the Atlantic. They left Newfoundland at 4.28 p.m. on Saturday last, and they landed at Clifden, on the Weet Coast of Ireland, at 8.40......

The Morning Post Of Monday Published A Lively Article By

Sir Charles Callwell,• who was Director of Military Operations at the War Office, about Lord French's book. General Callwell describes Lord French's statements, in brief, as......

Bank Rate,5 Per Cent.,ehanged From S Per Cent.april 5,1917,
