Letters To The Editor.
[Lettere of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space] THE INDIAN REFORM BILL. [To......
Addison's London Haunts.
T HE bicentenary of the death of Joseph Addison which occurred on June 17th affords an opportunity of saying something about those spots in London which are associated with his......
[to The Editor Op The " Spectator."]
Sm,—Your correspondent "M. 07." denounces the reformr suggested in the Montagu-Chelmsford Report, and now embodied in the Bill which is about to be considered by the House of......
Why Not A Flaxman Exhibition
rilHERE is no artist more thoroughly national than _I Fla./man, and there are few men who, on the whole, show a more original genius. This may seem a bold thing to say, in view......