Northumberland. Painted By A. Heaton Cooper. Described By...
(Black. 7s. 6d. net.) Those who like to take their topography and local history in diluted form will find this account of Northumberland pleasant reading. It is a book of the......
Travel And Topography.
The World as Seen by Me. By T. Simpson Carson. (Heath Cranton. 30s.) It is difficult without undue emphasis, such as capitals or headlines, to indicate the intrinsic masculinity......
Science And Psychology.
The Conquest of Cancer. By Robert Bell, M.D., F.R.F.P.S. (G. Bell and Sons. 3s. 6d.) The Conquest of Cancer. By Robert Bell, M.D., F.R.F.P.S. (G. Bell and Sons. 3s. 6d.) Dr.......
Francois Coillard : A Wayfaring Man. By Edward Shillito. (Student Christian Movement. 5s.) Francois Coillard : A Wayfaring Man. By Edward Shillito. (Student Christian Movement.......
Mr. Mackail's Nover Begins A Little Shakily, Vfith A Pound
of facetiousness to an ounce of humour, a heavy touch, and an assumption of almost compromising familiarity with his readers. This is how he introduces his heroine. The other......
The Bridge-builders. (british And Foreign Bible Society.)
The work of distributing Bibles in all languages throughout the world still goes on incessantly, as it has done ever since the Bible Society was founded in 1804. An annual......
Notes From A Pealdand Parish. By W. S. Porter, M.d.
(Sheffield.) Local history is always stimulating to those with a sense of the past. The parish of Hope in Derbyshire is unusually rich in records, documentary and otherwise, and......
Fantasia Of The Unconscious. By D. H. Lawrence. (martin...
108. 6d.) Those who liked Mr. Lawrence's book Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious will come again for more in its sequel A Fantasia of the Unconscious ; but their number must be......
Twenty-five Years Ago, When The Indians In The Rockies Still
retained at least a semblance of their former ways of life, Mr. McClintock was adopted into the Blackfeet. This is a most interesting account of his life with them.......
Things Seen On The Riviera. By Capt. Leslie Richardson....
Service and Co., Ltd. 3s. 6d. net.) This addition to Messrs. Seeley, Service and Co.'s excellent little " Things Seen " series is, like the rest, pleasantly written and......