Fantasia of the Unconscious. By D. H. Lawrence. (Martin Seeker.
108. 6d.) Those who liked Mr. Lawrence's book Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious will come again for more in its sequel A Fantasia of the Unconscious ; but their number must be few, as its author is the first to admit. Mr. Lawrence claims no special knowledge of Philosophy, Psychology, Physiology or any branch of science—he merely writes on these subjects. Detailed criticism is out of the question ; but we may say that the book is not wholly bad : we like his spirited stand against Idealism ; and he makes some shrewd remarks on the education of children. Admittedly, however, unless we had happened to be " a critic who needs to scribble a dollar's worth of words, no matter how "—we quote from the last sentence of the book's foreword—we should not have found ourselves amongst its elite readers.