20 FEBRUARY 1926, page 21

This Week's Books

" Tim most perfect relic of English society in the feudal age " was a subject to attract Lord Curzon ; and in Bedlam Castle (Cape. 30s.) he has combined the archaeological......

Mrs. Steuart-erskine Takes Us To Well-loved Scenes In The

nay of Naples (Black. 7s. 6d.). On almost the first page‘ we come to a familiar aspect of Veitivilis with its " renaissance .clouds on which fat cupids could -safely disport......

Midas Is A Deeper Study. Mr. Bretherton Has Lived Long

in the United States and " packs a punch in every paragraph," without flippancy, however. One could hardly ask for more " meat " in the author's 97 pages, but we should like to......

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Atlantis, by Colonel J. F. C. Fuller, and Midas, by Mr. C. H. Bretherton, are two booklets on America published in the " To-day and To-morrow " series by Kegan Paul, Trench,......

A New Competition

The Editor offers a prize of £5 for a report, in not more than five hundred words exclusive of quotations, upon the following entries for the previous competition. The prize......