A Summer In Andalucia.
TursE volumes describe a coasting trip along the shores of Portu- gal, and a tour in Andalusia and Granada in the summer of'1836; and form the most striking and characteristic......
Judges, Juries, And Prisoners.
JUDGES commonly receive much information respecting the cha- racters of prisoners brought before them Ibr trial, and other cir- cumstances connected with their offences, ‘vhich......
Spectator's Library.
TRAVELS. A Summer in And:ducia. In 2 ohs Bentley. BIOGRAPIIY, The Works of Mrs. Ilemans, with a Memoir of her Life, by her Sister. Iu 6 vols. Vol. m. Cadet( ; Blarfavood,......
School Reform And Tory Parsons.
SINCERELY do we hope that the howl amongst the Tory parsons, occasioned by the prospect of a movement in favour of national education, is a reasonable one. That is, we hope they......