1 DECEMBER 1888, page 15

Trustees And " Settikys."

[TO TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — The writer of your article on this subject has fallen into an error which is somewhat widespread, and as I know that you would not......

[to Thz Editor Of The "spectator."] Sib, — Thank-you For...

to the question of -closed cathedrals. There seems to be all the difference in the world between obliging payment for admission, and leaving it to the good-will of the visitor.......


TO PH1LLIS, TEN MONTHS OLD. BABY PHILL 4 18, lady fair, Fat and small of size, With the sun's gold in your hair, And the sea's blue in your eyes ;— How I wonder what your will......

Closed Cathedrals.

LTO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Your article in the Spectator of November 24th on thin subject, left out of account one of the important considera- tions which......