1 DECEMBER 1888, Page 15



BABY PHILL418, lady fair, Fat and small of size,

With the sun's gold in your hair, And the sea's blue in your eyes ;— How I wonder what your will is, Winsome Phillis !

When you point with tiny hand At your tiny toe, How am I to understand What you mean by doing so ? Prithee tell me what your will is, Dainty Phillis !

When you, wide-mouthed, on the floor Like a birdling sit,—

Twenty different notes try o'er

In a pretty talking fit,—

Guess it, can I, what your will is, Saucy Phillis ?

When you suddenly, untaught, Clap your hands amain, Is it that some new sweet thought Flashes through your baby-brain ? Come, unriddle what your will is, Merry Phillis !

When you gravely fingering scan Tiniest scatterings, Studying the Atomic Plan Are you, in those specks of things P Who can fathom what your will is, Quaintest Phillis ?

To the ceiling when you raise Finger and rapt face, Dear new-comer, do you gaze Back towards your heavenly place ? Half I fancy what your will is, Happy Phillis ! But when you come crawling after Me with eyes °shine, And with sudden burst of laughter Stretch your smell, plump arms to mine,— Ah ! I know then what your will is, Darling Phillis !