Mr. • Shortt Last Saturday To Monday Duly Carried Out
his promised visit to the Borstal. Institute 'at Portland, where several attempts at escape or suicide have taken place lately among the boys. Three more attempts to escape were......
The German Government Have Been .negotiating With' The...
industry for credits on a large scale with which to meet the payments to the Allies. The capitalists, headed by Herr Stinnes, demanded that the State should sell all its under-......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 51 Per Cent.
Nov. 3, 1921; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 88 ; Thursday week, 871 ; a year ago, 83/.......
The King's Speech Proroguing Parliament On Thursday,...
at some length the course of affairs and declared that good progress had been made towards the solution of the most critical problems. Expenditure must be still further......
Lord Robert Cecil, Addressing His Constituents At Hitehin...
said that he was willing to co-operate with Lord Grey of Fallodon because he agreed with him. Their union would not be a coalition but rather a new arrangement of parties. Lord......
The Persistent Report That The Serbs Have Invaded...
and occupied a large area of Albanian territory is so far confirmed that the British Government have summoned the Council of the. League of Nations to meat and consider the......
Sir Percy Girouard Declares That The Plant Has Been Greatly
improved by new devices which ho explains, and that the " coalite " is quite equal to anthracite and can bo produced at a profit. As 833 tons of slack have been carbonized......
Mr. Mckenna, In An Interview Given On His Return From
New York last week, said that the general opinion in America was opposed to the cancelling of the Allied war loans. No proposal to cancel the British loan had been made.......
In View Of The Importance Of Utilizing Our Coal Supplies
to the best advantage, we may draw attention to a report br Sir Percy Girouard, in the current issue of the /roe and Coat Trades Reriew, on the working of Messrs. Close......
In The Itornse By -election On Thursday, November 10th,...
Ednam, standing as a Consefvative, was returned by a majority of 2,016 over Mr. Burgin, the Independent Liberal. Lord Ednam polled 15,959 votee, and Mr. Burgin 13,943. About......
We Are Glad To Learn From The Daily Chronicle That
Major- General Sir Borlase Childs has been appointed to succeed Sir Basil Thomson as head of the Special Branch at Scotland Yard. Sir Borlase Childs did good work in the War,......
The Coat Of Living Fell Again In October, According To
the Board of Trade index figure which takes an average of the retail prices of food, clothes, etc. At the beginning of the month the figure was 110. On November 1st it had......
Last Week An Exhibition Of Applied Arts By Women Was
held at the Central Hall, Westminster. Block-printed and hand- woven materials, " decorative trifles," candlesticks, raffia ornaments, embroidery and, above all,' toys were......